Saturday, February 21, 2009

Will work for milk

Everything our friends who've been through the newborn experience told us has been true and more. The joy, the frustration, the sleep deprivation, the disorienting acceleration/suspension of time, the prodigious amount of diapers used, but mostly the joy. A few of my favorite things about Samuel at two weeks + one day.

- His involuntary smiles when he's sleeping

- The way he grips my finger in his little hand

- His milk moustache

- The way his eyes get real wide just before a bowel movement

- The dreamy look on his face when I rub his back

- The dark hair on his shoulders that makes him look like a little old man from behind

- His "Mr. Grumpy" face

To be continued...


  1. Aww...I want to see this little man! Give him a squeeze for me. Love you all :)

  2. LOL to the bowel movement comment.
