Monday, February 22, 2010

Back at you, Dick

Yesterday on Meet the Press Gen. David Petraeus argued against the "enhanced interrogation techniques" a/k/a torture that continue to be defended by the former Vice President. Not only defended, but bragged about. The commander of CENTCOM went on to advocate abiding by the Geneva Conventions and closing Gitmo. I suppose the good general will now be accused of being soft on terrorists. I can hear it now. What kind of a name is Petraeus anyway? Sounds foreign. Maybe he's not a REAL American.

Here's the tape.


Randy said...

I'm a bit surprised at you, Steve, though maybe I should just trust your knowledge on this one. I guess I'm not comfortable with being so sure about the issues here -- the trust or lack of required to decide what actually happened (the torture issue), the inability to really know such a thing, and then reading that you assume it is de facto torture.
Can we really be sure enough to merit your fecitious scenario. doesn't seem so, but just asking.

Stephen Ley said...

Hi Randy,

I found the following articles by Joe Carter (a conservative evangelical) and Mark Shea (a conservate Catholic) quite compelling.

The Semantics of Torture

Do Only Radical Pacifists Oppose Torture?

Marc Thiessen, Professional Torture Apologist, on EWTN

Yes my scenario was facetious, but perhaps not too far-fetched judging from the hysterical emails that keep showing up in my inbox about Obama, et al. As always, thanks for the input!

Randy said...
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Randy said...

As I said, I probably should just trust your knowledge on this, and I can't take time to read what I'm sure are excellent articles.
after commenting I pondered more and realized that if Petraeus is taking this position it is worth serious consideration. I am still uncomfortable, though, with what looks like arbitrary marginalizing Cheney's viewpoint. No one likes torture, or should, and suggesting Cheney advocates it as such is a serious charge.
Fwiw. Thanks so much for your welcoming spirit on this. And btw, your blogs lately have been excellent. Lots of good stuff that I can only glance at but great to see you doing it and, mark my word, writing will be more and more in your day to day work, or, imhco, it should be!

Randy said...

When I speak of charging Cheney, etc. I mean in general, not just your post. I understand that he receives this critique from far and wide, sometimes even with "hysteria :) !