Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rod Dreher on Wendell Berry

As a follow-up to yesterday's posting on Wendell Berry's comments on same-sex marriage and its opponents, here are the thoughts of Rod Dreher:  More Berry vs. Traditional Christians Reax.

Dreher is one of the social conservatives who first turned me on to Berry, and like him, I'll continue to read and recommend Berry's writings. Indeed, some of the best and most inspiring things I've read on marriage and family life come from the pen of Wendell Berry. Hardly a day goes by that I don't try to realize, or at least long for, the vision of the good life contained in his work.

I'm fine with Berry taking the position he has, but I hope he'll think more deeply about how his arguments for it fit into the broader context of the values he's championed, and have the charity to admit that those of us who disagree aren't motivated by hate.

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