Saturday, July 26, 2008

Share it or lose it

I read this yesterday in the Global Prayer Digest and its stuck with me. The writer is commenting on Philemon 6 and makes what I think is a great point.

It has been observed that only when we share the gospel across cultural barriers can we fully comprehend the gospel message ourselves. When we see the truths of the gospel through the eyes of another culture, those truths come alive for us in a new way. Sharing our faith with another people group forces us to examine what in our worship must be universal and what is only cultural. Perhaps the confusion which pervades so many of our churches about the content of the gospel message is due to our failure to seriously share this message with other groups.

Those of us in Reformed churches believe we have a good grasp on what the gospel is/what it does/how it works, but if this knowledge makes us insular and closed off to God's great global purposes there's a danger we'll lose what we have. I agree with this writer that having a "frontier missions priority" in our churches will bring a greater understanding and firmer grasp of the riches of the gospel.

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