Saturday, December 20, 2008

Clark and Trueman on the Rick Warren/inauguration/gay marriage controversy

No it's not a law firm, it's R. Scott Clark and Carl Trueman with articles that I suspect will rile folks on both sides.

Clark: Five Issues with the Inaugural Invocation

Trueman: Goodbye Larry King, Hello Jerry Springer!

I hope you'll take the time to read both in their entirety, but here are the closing thoughts from Trueman's piece:

It is vital we remember that nobody can be reduced simply to their sexuality. No heterosexual person is simply heterosexual; no gay person is simply gay. We are all complex human beings, defined by the basic category of image bearers of God, not sexual preference. As soon as we start thinking of people as a sexual preference, not as image bearers, we lose sight of them as individuals. They become mere labels or slogans, not persons. It is hard to love a slogan; indeed, it is very easy rather to hate such. Even as we are being labeled and turned into mere sound bites, we must not respond in kind. Let us stand firm on biblical ethics, but let us also reach out to gay, lesbian, and transgender individuals with the love of Christ. As Luther would remind us, our task is not done when we simply preach the law to the lost; we must then also preach the gospel to them and point them to Christ. For such, as Paul once said, were some of you; and, thankfully, somebody treated you as a lost person not an abstract moral category or a sexual preference.

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