Friday, July 24, 2009

Quote of the day

This is from 2007, but it speaks to our current debate about health care reform.

No one has the nerve to brand this country’s purest systems of “socialized medicine” — the military and veterans hospitals — for what they are. In both systems, care is not only paid for by the government but delivered in government facilities by doctors who are government employees. . . . Politicians who deplore government-run health care for average Americans are only too happy to use it themselves. . . . Look behind the labels to judge health care proposals on their merits.

Philip M. Boffey

My two cents? I'd like to have the same health care coverage that members of Congress have. In other words, a single payer model. It's not going to happen since Obama, the GOP, the insurance industry, and the pharma industry all agree that it wouldn't work in the US. So for the time being we'll continue to be the only Western democracy without a single payer system.

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