Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When inspiration strikes

I don't consider myself to be a very creative person. I'm a "plodder" and I gravitate toward established structures. When I was in grade school the sight of construction paper and glue sticks gave me cold sweats. They still do. I was one of those kids that hated arts education. My wife, on the other hand, almost went to art school and my 14-month old is already fascinated by crayons and colored paper. Does that mean he wants to write words like daddy? Or draw pictures like mommy? Time will tell. That being said, I do have the occasional creative moment -- usually in the context of problem solving -- and they almost always come when I least expect them. How do I get across a difficult concept in Sunday school? What's the most efficient way to introduce a new process at my workplace? Often a creative answer will pop into my head when I'm staring out the window, ostensibly wasting time.

Here's Jonah Lehrer on the value of daydreaming.

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