Saturday, October 20, 2007

Brooks on Huckabee

I'm a little late to this. As a recovering news junkie, more and more I agree with C.S. Lewis (as quoted in George Sayer's marvelous biography Jack: A Life of C.S. Lewis) that "you don't need to read the news. If anything important happens, far too many people are sure to tell you about it."

Be that as it may David Brooks of the New York Times writes perceptively on the candidacy of Mike Huckabee. He's perhaps the first to perceive that Huckabee is a harbinger of a new kind of evangelical engagement with American politics -- one less dominated by the fundamentalism of an older generation of evangelical leaders. It's a trend I welcome and one of the reasons I'll be enthusiastically voting for Mike on January 29.


The Canfield Family said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEY, glad to see that you will be voting for Mike in January! Hope things are going well with's been a looooooooooooooooooong time!

Kimberly said...

I had also read the Brooks article...really great! Hoping things will begin taking off for Huckabee!!!

Stephen Ley said...

Thanks for the comment Kimberly, and greetings Doug. Yes, it has been years and years! So glad to see that God has blessed you in so many ways. You deserve it after years of putting up with 7th graders (especially this one!).

Grace, peace and let's go Mike!

Randy said...

Interesting, and I liked the Lewis reference. I have still not recovered from GKC's take on all things news and politics. It turned me from a someone who imagined -- almost -- that the world turned with politics to one who believes the really important things are found and grounded elsewhere, as in the home. Ironic b/c he made his living with commentary in the newspaper, and yet so much was unflinching though incisive cultural critique.
Not sure about Huckabee, almost don't care, but certainly will vote.