Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another idiot heard from

Some gems from yesterday's Rush Limbaugh Show:

You know, I have been to Haiti way back a long time ago when it was a cruise ship stop, Port-au-Prince. And I've seen pictures of Haiti. It is a devastatingly poor place and nothing has ever changed. And right across a mountain ridge in the middle you've got the Dominican Republic, which is like night and day. It's like night and day. And what's the one common factor? That place, Haiti, has been run by dictators and communists, and how long is it going to be before we hear Obama and the left in this country say that what we really need to do is reinstate the communist Aristide to the leadership position down there to coordinate putting the country back together?

. . . .

Yes, I think in the Haiti earthquake, ladies and gentlemen -- in the words of Rahm Emanuel -- we have another crisis simply too good to waste. This will play right into Obama's hands. He's humanitarian, compassionate. They'll use this to burnish their, shall we say, "credibility" with the black community -- in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made-to-order for them. That's why he couldn't wait to get out there, could not wait to get out there.

. . . .

Besides, we've already donated to Haiti. It's called the US income tax.

You couldn't make this stuff up. Rush has become a parody of himself.


Randy said...

I'm embarrassed to admit how slow I am on this, Steve. What are you meaning?

redeyespy said...

Rush's entire m.o. is to rile up his rabid fandom of ultra right-wingers. These comments are not surprising and are quite typical, sadly.

Pat Robertson also uttered a few inappropriate things himself, unsurprisingly.

Randy said...

OK, after ruminating I realize the point is that he is willing to wade in with political/economic critique at a time when plain human suffering eclipses everything. Irreverence is prized in many places, not least his show, but this is way over the top.

I certainly agree at that but probably allow the 'parody of himself' (nice phrase btw) bit to give him a pass, which pass he doesn't think he needs I am sure.

I do not know why he insists on being this way. To use his own phrase, he should put a sock in it.
I am a sometime fan of Rush but do not think I am a "rabid ultra right winger." He often makes alot of sense but folks have him pigeon-holed and thus won't listen. I quit listening to him about 10 years ago because his often-strident tone offends me. But I do think his perspective has merit an amazing amount of the time.
Saying this kind of think about Haiti during a time of devastation is really not human and doesn't help Rush's purported larger cause.

Fwiw.......I think I read your sense now, eh Steve?

Stephen Ley said...

Randy: You read my sense of it...more or less. I stopped listening to Rush around the same time you did. More and more I found the idealogy he espouses, and the man himself, characterized by incredible arrogance and presumption. Far from classical Burkean conservatism imho.

Bill, the pronouncements of the televangelist from Virginia Beach could fall under the same headline.

Randy said...

Thanks, Steve -- fwiw, one reason I became weary of him was his use of the word "idiot" to describe people. Ironic here :)

Stephen Ley said...
