Wednesday, February 27, 2008

William F. Buckley, Jr. (24 November 1925 - 27 February 2008)

William F. Buckley, Jr., the "man who stood athwart history and yelled stop" is dead at 82. I was a long-time subscriber to National Review, read God and Man at Yale as a teenager, and have fond memories of watching Buckley joust with his guests on Firing Line. Although I've moved away from the Buckleyesque conservatism of my younger years, I still owe him a lot. R.I.P.

UPDATE 2/28: I just came across this fascinating interview of WFB by Dick Staub. In addition to being a brilliant contender for conservative ideas, Buckley reveals himself in this interview to be a stout defender of Christian orthodoxy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He will certainly be missed, even if my views were 180 of his (mostly). He has no equal these days. Bill O' Reilly? Ha!